Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another Excuses, Excuses Post and Exciting Filler Material

BigTuna has been on a bit of a hiatus with Carter in final stretches of tax season so not much progress STILL on the blacksmith shed.   Luckily Carter's silly work engagements ended today and we do have the floor boards to replace some rotten areas,  the last two window sashes, and all the paint needed to finish the roof on hand.  We also expect to have a very productive weekend as we have yet another expert visiting the site and allowing us to use his expertise to make the shed more energy efficient - but that will be for next week's blog. 

For this week we have a slightly off topic, but no less exciting, TIKI BAR UPDATE!

Andy's raft project from last summer has been converted to a super sweet semipermanent fixture on the mighty Rappahannock River at Flintshire Farm. 

We did some grading to make a nice path down to the river edge for easy Tiki Bar access.  This is what it looks like after the fine grading, seeding, and straw.  Now we just need some rain. 

  We added some walking stones to make access easy for even the clumsiest of Tiki Bar attendees. 

We made a sweet ramp with steps so you can walk right on out to the party. 

 We made the ramp like a drawbridge so if the Tiki Bar needs to be removed for a flood or if you just want to unhook and float down river you can just pull the ramp up.

Natasha, Hudson, and I spent some family time on the Tiki Bar to make sure it was as nice as we hoped it would be. 
Check this blog frequently the check Tiki Bar party dates and to post drink requests. 

Till next week,
BigPerm out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna come down one night with a piece of cut bait and a fishing rod and haul a 40 pound chucklehead right up on the deck of the tiki bar and slime up the whole joint.....just kidding. I am looking forward to having a crippler on the tiki bar post frogging real soon though.
