Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Workday Recap

The last workday at the shed was a super productive one.  Low temps and spitting rain did little to slow down a solid crew of Will, Adam, Byrd and I.  Adam brought out his trailer and insulating equipment to the worksite.  We fired up the gas powered super vac and sucked up two contractor's bags worth of dirt, dust, and miscellaneous debris.  While he and Byrd focused on the insulation prep, Will and I fixed ceiling boards that needed some love in the bunk room and the reading room.  We closed the day out with about 12 bags of blown cellulose insulation and some chill time by the wood stove.  Great day despite the crappy weather; see the prior video post which does a good job of capturing the magic visually.

In addition to the tasks just described above (which can all now be checked off the list), Will got fired up and installed one of the reading room windows.  This was particularly timely given the inclement weather.  Big ups to William for his initiative.  We now have one window left to do which is on site ready to go if anybody was to get froggy again. 

Some pics of the William installing the window and me putting the trim back on:
Top Sash is in but hard to see...

Both Sash installed and working smoothly.

Stop nailed back on and we are ready to go.

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